Ultrasound Specialist
Capital Women's Care
OBGYNs & Gynecologists located in Frederick, MD & Mount Airy, MD
Ultrasound is useful for a number of purposes in obstetrics and gynecology, from diagnosing medical conditions to monitoring the development of an unborn baby. The experienced medical professionals at Capital Women’s Care provide ultrasound services to women throughout the Frederick, Mount Airy & Urbana, Maryland area. Call the office today to schedule an appointment for this service.
Ultrasound Q & A
How do ultrasounds work?
An ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic test that doctors use to diagnose certain medical conditions or evaluate the development of an unborn baby. Ultrasound works by using high-frequency sound waves to capture images of the inside of the body.
What are ultrasounds used for?
The doctors at Capital Women's Care recommend an ultrasound when a woman is experiencing various medical issues that involve the internal reproductive organs, such as the uterus or ovaries. Capital Women's Care also uses ultrasounds to monitor the progress of a pregnancy, check for problems with the baby’s development, and make sure that the baby is in the right position before childbirth.
What types of ultrasounds are available?
Two primary types of ultrasound are available: abdominal ultrasound and vaginal ultrasound. During an abdominal ultrasound, the technician places a wand on the outside of a patient’s abdomen to view the structures inside. During a vaginal ultrasound, the technician places the wand inside the vagina to obtain a clearer picture of the internal structures. Abdominal ultrasound often requires the patient to have a full bladder, while vaginal ultrasound doesn’t have this requirement.
What should patients expect during an ultrasound?
During an abdominal ultrasound, the technician may or may not ask the patient to wear a hospital gown. The patient relaxes on an exam table during the test. To begin the test, the technician applies some gel to the patient’s abdomen. Then, the technician presses the wand into the abdomen gently and moves it around to collect the necessary images and measurements.
During a vaginal ultrasound, the patient undresses from the waist down and may need to wear a hospital gown. The technician applies gel to the outside of the wand and places it inside the patient’s vagina. The patient may feel some pressure as the technician moves the wand around to take pictures and measure different structures.
If the ultrasound is performed because of pregnancy, the technician provides the patient with pictures of the baby at the end of the appointment.
Are there risks?
Doctors have been using ultrasound on pregnant and nonpregnant women for decades. The technology is considered generally safe.
Billing & Insurance
We participate with most local and many national insurance plans. However it is your responsibility to understand whether your insurance has limits on the doctors you can see, or the services you can receive. If you provide complete and accurate information about your insurance, we will submit claims to your insurance carrier and receive payments for services. Depending on your insurance coverage, you may be responsible for co-payments, co-insurance, or other deductible amounts. Not all providers participate with all insurance plans. We do not accept Medicaid. Don't hesitate to call if you have questions.