Is Sterilization Right for Me?

Perhaps your family is just the right size, so you don’t want any more children. Or maybe you don't want children, period. Whatever has brought you here, kids aren’t in your future and you want to know whether sterilization is your best path forward.
At Capital Women’s Care, our team offers female sterilization in the form of tubal ligation. If you’re considering this procedure, here’s what we want you to know.
Tubal ligation 101
The concept behind a tubal ligation is fairly simple — we seal off your fallopian tubes to prevent sperm from reaching and fertilizing your eggs.
While tubal ligation is often referred to as tying your tubes, in reality, tubal ligations are performed in several ways, including:
- Cutting the tubes and suturing the ends
- Clamping the tubes
- Cauterizing the tubes
No matter how we perform a tubal ligation, the end result is the same — you will no longer be able to get pregnant.
We can perform a tubal ligation laparoscopically, often on an outpatient basis, though some women opt for this procedure after childbirth while they’re already hospitalized.
Advantages of tubal ligation
Between 2021 and 2022, at least 4.8 million women in the United States underwent tubal ligations, for a variety of different reasons.
To give you an idea, here are some of the advantages of sterilization via tubal ligation, starting with the fact that tubal ligation offers a near perfect 99% efficacy rating. Other benefits include:
It’s a permanent solution
If you’ve struggled with keeping up with birth control, tubal ligation is a one-and-done procedure. You don’t have to interrupt sex to get your birth control in place, and you don’t have to think about contraception again.
There are no hormonal side effects
Many women find hormonal birth control solutions to be problematic in terms of side effects. With a tubal ligation, there are no unwanted changes in your body.
It makes a risky pregnancy unlikely
If your health or a future child’s health is at risk if you get pregnant, tubal ligation is a good way to be sure this doesn't happen.
Cons of tubal ligation
There are three drawbacks we want to bring to your attention if you’re considering tubal ligation:
- The procedure is very hard to reverse
- A tubal ligation is surgery, and all surgeries come with risk
- Tubal ligations do not prevent sexually transmitted infections
Ultimately, sterilization is one decision that only you can make, and our role is to provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for your unique needs.
If you have more questions or would like more guidance about the tubal ligation process, our team is at the ready. To get started, please contact one of our three conveniently located offices in Frederick and Mount Airy, Maryland, to schedule a consultation.
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